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by Jodi Dill

Blog #1, April 14,2020

Welcome to A.L. Distributing's blog spot! Our intent is to provide you with content that serves you best. Why did you click on this tab? What were you hoping to read? Please respond and let us know! Do you want tips on how to best use our products? Do you want hard data on how to move birds? What about product reviews or industry information? What about interesting facts, historical information...maybe something entertaining? Developing this blog spot is going to take some time, so, while you and I flesh out our direction and expectations, I took the liberty to include a brief history about a World War 1 hero, a carrier pigeon, named Cher Ami — French, meaning Dear Friend.

Cher Ami’s grand moment of heroism occurred during the Meuse-Argonne Offensive in France. American artillery was unknowingly engaged in friendly fire. Communication had to get through fast before casualties grew. As their last hope, Cher Ami was released. He flew through a hail of gun fire sustaining shots through the leg and breast. Despite these wounds, Cher Ami survived and was able to deliver the message! The friendly fire ceased! Cher Ami saved thousands of lives and was eventually given military honors. Upon his death, he was stuffed and mounted, minus one leg. Cher Ami is currently on display at the Smithsonian Museum of American History.

To learn more about the remarkable service of carrier pigeons in World War I, to see pictures of Cher Ami, and other photos of the war, visit the U.S. National Archives Blog Spot.

Thanks for your time and input. I am excited to work with you in developing this blog. Please remember that any communication on blog posts is not considered official correspondence with A.L. Distributing. That needs to take place via phone, email, text, video conferencing, or snail mail. For a list of our blog spot policies, please click on the link below.

Yep, this is the place. Click here for blog policies!

Until next time, take good care and remember to “Move the flock with the block!”



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